Friday, July 22, 2011

Tunnel Time

My dear friend Donna has an amazing goal. To do one new thing every day with her little ones before her maternity leave is up. She has motivated me to do as much as I can with Casey before summer ends. This past week I have been making a more conscious effort to do more new things with my little man. Today, I discovered that sometimes being at home and being creative can be the most fun! Today Casey and I created a pillow tunnel in the hallway. Little did I know this would provide over an hour of entertainment for everyone involved. Even the dogs got into it! That is, until fat Gilbert came and knocked it over. Just kidding Gilbert, you're not fat, just big boned.


  1. peek a boo I see you!
    Lucas has a tunnel tube Grandpa & Meg got him,when I sitting we had play time. Obviously I couldn't fit in but chased him back & forth to each end. Giggles galore.
    Wish I could do this with Casey now.
    Keep the updates going I love this.

  2. LOVE IT...and you! What a great idea...I may have to borrow this one in the future! xoxox
