Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Okay Park

Today we convinced Papa J to take a "long lunch" from work to go The Great Park (which Jason and I now refer to as The Okay Park). We went with visions of riding the Great Park Balloon which floats high up in the air, where apparently you can see all of the beautiful city we live in. Upon arrival we discovered that we were too late to sign up for balloon rides because they were booked two hours before we had gotten there. Luckily, the carousel rides were still open so we made lemonade out of lemons and hopped on for a ride. This was Casey's 3rd time riding a carousel. The first time was at the mall with Summer on their prom date. The second time was at the OC Fair, which doesn't really count because a Carny put that sucker on high speed, blasted rap music and both Casey and I were holding on for dear life while saying our Hail Marys. So, The Okay Park Carousel was a nice, relaxing ride for all of us. So relaxing that we rode twice. Afterwards we went over to the little park area where Casey found a tunnel with snakes. He played a little bit but the ground was too hot so we decided to head back to the car. On the way back, a van full of Jason's buddies showed up to party but he told them he had to get back to work. As we were driving away from The Okay Park we decided that we needed a little "pick-me-up" after our failed mission so we went out and bought Casey and his baba a new stroller! Woo hoo! Now, mission is complete! But don't worry, we'll be going back to the Okay Park someday soon for redemption.

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